
I know my account gets hacked and others get in it so ill say this. Not all my accounts are hacked guys. They cant even get into my hotmail since or my iphone. Maybe the ipad but not the phone!

At First we didn’t talk

On the first day of class i was actually early! That’s actually rare for me. Did you know? I even went as far to sit in the back so I could use the wall outlet to charge up my phone! People started rolling into class and a little bit after class started SHE walked in. She quickly found a seat in the back of class next to me. She was gorgeous and I was totally attracted to her so I quickly became conscious of her perfume and my stinky tobacco smell. I totally tried to sit a little farther away for that reason and we didnt really talk much till a couple classes later. During a class break I managed to work up the courage to ask her if she wanted to smoke a cigarette. I was surprised she accepted. She was not as stuck up as I had mistaken but a real easy person to talk to. Her silence from before was only her shyness! We got along great and the best thing about her was that I never ran out of things to talk with her. It’s weird but sometimes some people are too much for me someti